भगवद्गीतेची शिकवण आजही आपल्या गतिमान जीवनात दीपस्तंभागत मार्गदर्शक आहे.गीताज्ञानप्रसारासाठी सिंगापुरात १९९७ साली सुरू झालेला "गीता जयंती" हा उपक्रम आता खूपच विस्तारित झाला आहे. वर्षभर चालणा-या सत्रात ’हवन’, आंतरराष्ट्रीय गीता परिसंवाद, लहानथोरांसाठी गीतापठण, निबंधलेखन, चित्रकला व वक्तृत्वस्पर्धा, तसंच नाट्यनृत्यसंगीतमय विविध गुणदर्शन असे अनेक कार्यक्रम असतात.
या उपक्रमात सुमारे ३५ निरनिराळ्या संस्था ’हिन्दु एन्डॊमेन्ट बोर्ड’च्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली कार्यरत असून २०११-१२ सालासाठी या सा-या संस्थांचं नेतृत्व करण्याचा बहुमान "महाराष्ट्र मंडळ, सिंगापूर"ला मिळाला आहे.
विश्वबंधुत्वाचं ध्येय समोर ठेवून सिंगापुरातील विविधभाषिक स्थानिक व परदेशी जनांना एकत्र आणण्याच्या "गीता जयंती"च्या सत्कार्यात आपला सहभाग मिळेल अशी आशा करतो.
माधव भावे
The story and legends of Lord Krishna is resplendent with innumerable parables and events rich with diverse forms of dance and music. The Hindu philosophy itself has placed dance and music on a high pedestal with the status of an Upa Veda - a subsidiary Veda. Many great saints, sages and philosophers are closely linked to Music and dance.
Even the word "Gita" literally means a song and not a treatise or philosophy.
Many of Indian classical dance forms are so deeply influenced by the stories of Krishna from Srimad Bhagavatam and other Puranas and Ithihasas that art performances such forms such as Bharata Natyam, Kathakali, Manipuri or Odissi is almost never found found without them.
The story and legends of Lord Krishna is resplendent with innumerable parables and events rich with diverse forms of dance and music. The Hindu philosophy itself has placed dance and music on a high pedestal with the status of an Upa Veda - a subsidiary Veda. Many great saints, sages and philosophers are closely linked to Music and dance.
Even the word "Gita" literally means a song and not a treatise or philosophy.
Many of Indian classical dance forms are so deeply influenced by the stories of Krishna from Srimad Bhagavatam and other Puranas and Ithihasas that art performances such forms such as Bharata Natyam, Kathakali, Manipuri or Odissi is almost never found found without them.
Programme: To be announced
Date : 08 October 2011 (Saturday), Venue : Global Indian International School Auditorium
1 Mei Chin Road , Queenstown, Singapore 149253
Time : 6:00 pm
Admission is through tickets of $15 tickets (inclusive of dinner). Limited Patron tickets are also available.